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Friday, July 15, 2011

Zurich ----> Munich by way of the Mountains

Sleepy on my first European Train

PREFACE: I almost gave up on writing the rest of the trip down. Most of my journal contains thoughts about my relationship with TSG. Since my last post, TSG and I have decided it is best to go our separate ways. We are trying to work things out, but right now, we are just working on individual elements that contributed to the breakdown of communication and ultimately our relationship. However, despite the pain, I am going to type up the journal...the good, happy thoughts..the bad, depressive thoughts. This was meant to be real and raw, not whitewashed. So here it is.
May 5th, 9:30 AM Zurich Time

Wine Babies!!!
Made it on the train to Munich...I hope! Now I just hope I know when to get off. Then...the anxiety of finding the hostel in strange country where I do not speak a lick of the language. Holy Shit. Switzerland is STUNNING. The train just left the underground station & I am seeing daylight in Europe for the first time. I wonder when the conductor will come by and look at passes...I hope I got everything validated correctly! i am planning on having a snack, but will save most of my appetite for a nice hearty German lunch in Munich.  Holy Moley...I am in Switzerland...soon to be in Germany. Oh boy. This is Unreal.

Here she comes! I am slightly nervous...I made it this far, though...on a train, going to Munich, 1st Class. All of my belongings. I hope this was one I didn't need a reservation for. I guess we will find out...

Phew! All good. We made a brief stop in Winterthur. I want to come back here. What an adorable city!!! Everyone has been so nice and helpful... St. Gallen is beautiful. Picturesque houses and churches...

Just got my first glimpse of Mountains a few KM out of St. Margrethen. Snow caps & all. The breathtaking views will apparently last until Bregenz. And indeed, they did. Followed by Lake Constanz. The most beautiful lake I have seen in my life.
Pausing at Lindau, two more hours til Munich. I have already passed through Switzerland, Austria and Germany....doubling the number of countries I have been to in my life.

The Opera House
Here I took a break, saw some sights and didn't really journal, but I picked it up while getting dinner before the opera. However, Enjoy some of the pictures I snapped.


 Grabbing a quick bite at Brenner before the opera. I am cutting it close time-wise, but I got a teensy bit lost. However, this delicious wine and Caprese salad more than make up for it. TSG sent me the sweetest email that was waiting for me at the Hostel. I adore her. Tomorrow will be full of more site-seeing, touring some great churches and the ballet!! what a great, exhausting, long, overwhelming day.


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